

Holiday Wreath DIY

Dr Aggie Matusik - Wreath

Last year I took my 6 year old to a Holiday Wreath Making workshop.  We had so much fun together and he was so proud of his little creation!  It is now a Christmas tradition, something we do each year together to decorate our home for the holidays.  The process is super easy if you are ready with the right materials.  The end result is a fresh, beautiful piece of art you can give away as a gift or keep for yourself.  I think homemade holiday wreaths are the perfect definition of hygge – adding comfort and coziness to any home. (If you don’t know what hygge is, click on this link to read more about it).

We started by gathering our foliage from fallen and cut branches.  It is great to be able to have a couple of different types of evergreens.  I also added some ivy, magnolia and boxwood cuttings.  I bought  holly leaves at Whole Foods to add some colour to the green.


I had bought some different sized grapevine wreaths, floral wire and pine cones at a Michaels Craft store.  You then basically wrap the foliage any way you like through the grapevine.  Most of it you can secure by tucking it through the branches and using floral wire when needed.  We attached pinecones at the end with a bit of floral wire.


Twenty minutes later we had our first wreath ready!


Love it!



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